I Stand.

I Stand Unapologetically

for the concerns of the very poor; for single mothers and hungry children, for out of work men and struggling fathers. For broken veterans and families just trying to get by in a country that is slowly stripping away aid for them. If we cannot, or will not, stand for the “least of these” as a country, as a community, as family units and individuals….then what have we become?

I stand for these people because they need, and deserve, voices. I stand for them because they are, by and large, good, decent, hard working, dedicated family people who are just trying to make it. I stand for them because they are made in the image of God, and deeply beloved by Him….and by me.

And I wash my hands of any political group that looks down upon them, or exploits them for political gain (which pretty much means both parties are out) and forgets these are worthy people too.

We in America look the other way so often; we blame the homeless vet on the street for lacking a home, and for self medicating his illness (both physical and mental) with whatever he can find. Forgetting the service he gave. We scorn the single mother, and blame her for abusing the system, when she is trying to feed her kids. We curl our collective lips in mockery of the middle aged or older man doing whatever work he can find, because he still needs aid on top of that to pay his rent. We cross to the other side of the road rather than face the hand out, beseeching us to do something.

Yes, there are some people that abuse the system. Fine, hire auditors to go over records, hire more social workers, manage the problem. But don’t yank the rug out from under those who are really trying, and barely managing. And if you do, then don’t you dare call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ.

Copied from Beth Hayes Butler facebook page